Short and snappy: the training stories and reels
The crane manufacturer already informs about which apprenticeships you can learn at Altmann in short videos on its YouTube channel.
On Instagram, the videos are even shorter. The so-called reels are often only a few seconds long; this way, Generation Z can "get a taste" of the "crane factory" in Albaching, Upper Bavaria; young people who want to orient themselves after graduating from school can get an idea of what training is all about and how varied it is.
Milling, welding, wiring and taking responsibility
Designing on the computer, welding, wiring and assembling control elements, milling and turning workpieces - at Altmann Fördertechnik, young people are trained as construction mechanics, mechatronics engineers, cutting machine operators or technical product designers. Apprentices already take on important tasks during their training. This ranges from the design of components and the manufacture of gears to entire workpieces for the later crane and also assembly on site at the customer.
The trainer attaches particular importance to careful and responsible work. In return, the trainees are integrated into a family business where the bosses also have an open ear for them at all times. In the new year, they can prove how much fun they have at work by shooting short video clips themselves. The digital natives will then also become professionals in populating the Instagram channel - if they aren't already.
Image 1: Altmann recently started posting photos and short video sequences on Instagram. Young people in particular are to be addressed. They can get a glimpse here within seconds: of the dimensions of the crane systems, where sparks fly, and where special precision and skill are required everywhere - in construction, flame welding, bending, milling and assembly.
Cranes, but not only...
In addition to information on apprenticeships, Altmann will show its latest products on Instagram, such as the cleanroom crane with pendulum damping. Followers will also catch a glimpse of other highlight projects such as the movable roofs for the pilgrimage site of Mecca; Altmann Fördertechnik contributed the travelling structure for this extraordinary project in Islam's holiest site.
Another extraordinary project is the sliding wall for the memorial of the German Armed Forces. This particularly elaborately designed wall is located on the forecourt of the Ministry of Defense in Berlin and Altmann supplied the running gear for it.
Applicants wanted for 2023
You have to have a soft spot for physics and technology as well as manual dexterity; in return, the young people benefit from varied tasks and very good opportunities for their future careers. For example, fully trained construction mechanics not only work in crane construction, but also in shipbuilding and building construction. An accurate and conscientious way of working is a prerequisite here.
At Altmann Fördertechnik, five apprentices are currently proving their skills and can look forward to being taken on after their training. For 2023, applicants are still being sought for training as construction mechanics. All interested parties can now first get a glimpse of the company via Instagram and get a taste of crane air.
"Of course, we also want to become better known here in the area," says Sabine Altmann, "because young people here don't always know that we exist. Instagram is also a great channel for networking with other companies here in Albaching and the surrounding area." Together with the trainees, the marketing manager will gradually post current photos and fill the channel with short videos in the new year. In doing so, they hope for many new followers and interested parties.
You can find the account at: altmann_foerdertechnik
Image 2: Those who can weld are in demand. At Altmann, the three new apprentices, who have been on the job since September 1, not only demonstrate their skills at the workbench and when assembling crane components, but also their talent for posting on Instagram. The young people at Altmann were also the ones who gave the impetus for this, saying, "Altmann needs to have a presence on Instagram as well as YouTube!"