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Inspections according to German Accident Prevention Regulations (UVV)

We support you in complying with your duties as an operator.

As material handling systems, cranes and hoists are facilities that are subject to monitoring and for the safety of which the employer is responsible. As an entrepreneur, you have to meet the legal obligations imposed on operators. In addition, legislation has issued a number of regulations for the operation of material handling systems you have to comply with as an operator. We support you in this matter.

Georg Kebinger

Phone 08076-8879-22

  • Inspection prior to initial operation according to the Operational Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV)
  • The annual inspection according to BetrSichV 
  • All kinds of electrical measurements
  • Maintenance check 
  • Determination of remaining service life for hoist gears
  • Documentation of inspection certificates and test reports

Speaking of services: Adjustment works (e. g. brake air, friction clutch, etc.) are made at the same time by us.

  • a detailed inspection report
  • an annual comparison / intercompany comparison free of charge (anonymous)

The UVV inspection is stipulated in the Operational Safety Ordinance (German Betriebssicherheitsverordnung BetrSichV) and related regulations. Its purpose is to guarantee the operational and occupational safety of work and operating resources. This includes

  • Access platforms
  • Ground conveyors
  • Lifter tables
  • Cranes
  • Construction hoists
  • Vehicles
  • Power-operated devices
  • etc.

Companies that use one or more cranes in their works are compelled to have them inspected on a regular basis. The legal basis for the UVV inspection for cranes can be found in the regulations of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). In specific terms this refers to

  • Regulation 3 "Electrical installations and equipment"
  • Regulation 52 "Cranes" and 53 "Winches, lifting and pulling devices" (formerly BGV D6 / VBG 9)

The accident prevention regulations 52 and 53 apply to the crane itself as well as to its supporting structures and equipment. The inspection issue is explained in detail in sections 25 to 28. In connection with the UVV inspection, section 26 is particularly relevant. Here, you can also find information about who is allowed to carry out the inspection.

The UVV inspection is allowed to be carried out by a trained professional (qualified person) or a technical expert.

According to DGUV regulation 309-001 "Inspection of cranes", trained professionals or technical experts are authorised to carry out the inspection. These terms are specified as follows:

A trained professional or qualified person is someone who can evaluate if a crane is in safe operating condition. The basis for this assessment capacity is not only relevant knowledge of cranes resulting from appropriate professional training and experience but also familiarity with all important accident prevention regulations, national occupational safety regulations and the generally recognised rules of technology. During a UVV inspection, a trained professional must be able to access information about the technical rules of the EU/ EEA, DIN standards, BGR/GUV regulations, VDE provisions and more. In addition, people with particular occupations may also be considered trained professionals, provided that they have the required knowledge and experience to evaluate the safety condition of the crane. Specific occupations mentioned in the DGUV are for example crane and machine foremen, operating engineers and other specifically trained technical staff.

According to DGUV regulation 52, section 28, UVV inspections can be carried out by technical experts who either belong to the Technische Überwachungsvereine e. V. (German Technical Inspection Authority) or are authorised by the accident insurance carrier. In the latter case, independent experts or employees of manufacturers/operators may be eligible. An approval number confirms their authorisation.





Datei Bearbeiten Einfügen Ansicht Format Tabelle Werkzeuge Absatz Verdana 11pt  5 Wörter<p>Georg Kebinger</p>
<p>Phone 08076-8879-22</p>

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For business owners, section 26 of DGUV regulation 52 prescribes that a trained professional must perform the relevant UVV inspection on cranes at least once a year. The operational situation and specific usage conditions must also be taken into account. This may also require several inspections per year. There are additional specifications for particular types of cranes:

Powered tower cranes require an inspection

  • By a trained professional after each setup and each retrofitting (even if they are not power-operated)
  • At least every 4 years by a technical expert
  • In the 14th and 16th year of operation by a technical expert
  • Annually as of the 16th year of operation by a technical expert

Powered vehicle cranes require an inspection

  • At least every 4 years by a technical expert
  • In the 13th year of operation by a technical expert
  • Annually as of the 13th year of operation by a technical expert

Power-operated and portable derrick cranes as well as cranes mounted on trucks also require an inspection by a technical expert at minimum intervals of 4 years.

Inspections performed by a technical expert replace the general UVV inspection by a trained professional that is mandatory at least once a year.

When a UVV inspection is performed, the test results and particular additional information must be entered into an inspection logbook (test book). The specifications for this can be found in the DGUV regulation 52, section 27. Accordingly, the following situations must be recorded in writing:

  • Date and scope of the inspection
  • Name and address of the inspector
  • Results of the inspections, including detected faults
  • Indication of safety concerns and evaluation regarding continued operation
  • Information about follow-up inspections (if required)

If there is no reason against further operation of the crane after the inspection, it will receive an inspection certificate stating the latest possible next inspection date.

The business owner assumes responsibility and liability for a regular UVV inspection of all cranes. Although this responsibility can be transferred to an authorised person in writing, the owner must ensure that this person is qualified, in advance as well as later at regular intervals.

UVV BGV-D 8, § 23 - Winches, lifting and pulling devices

UVV VBG 9a, § 40 - Lifting equipment in hoisting operation

BGV-D 6, § 26 - Cranes

UVV BGV-D 27 - Ground conveyors

UVV VBG 14, § 39 - Lifter tables

ZH 1/494, 6.1 - Guidelines for power-operated windows, doors and gates